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Récipiendaires de bourses

Bourses et aide financières accordées par le REGAL

Pour le concours 2023-2024, deux bourses de 10 000 $ CA chacune ont été octroyées.

Félicitations aux récipiendaires:

Ali Kodfard, étudiant à la maîtrise à l’UQAC sous la supervision de Lukas Dion et Laszlo Kiss. Titre de son projet de recherche: Thermal Imbalance in an Electrolysis Cell and Its Impact on Chemical and Electrical Distribution.

Mehran Shahin, étudiant au doctorat à l’UdeS sous la supervision de Martin Désilets et François Allard. Titre de son projet de recherche: Improved 3D finite element based thermo-electric model of an aluminum electrolysis cell through modeling bath and side ledge composition change during its operation.

En 2023-2024, 6 étudiantes et étudiants ont bénéficiés d’une aide financière du REGAL pour leur participation à des conférences internationales.

Nom de l’étudiante ou l’étudiantConférence
Samuel ThébergeModelling Study of Bath Agitation by Bubbles and its Effect on the Bath-Metal Interface Stability. 41st International Conference and Exibition ICSOBA 2023, 5-10 November 2023, Dubai.
Sanogo BazoumanaA Review of Challenges and Solutions in Ledge Control and Measurement in Aluminium Electrolys Cell. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 3-7 Marsh 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Jonathan AlarieDimensional Analysis Applied to the Dissolution and Disintegration of Alumina Rafts: The Riddle of Dissolving Alumina Rafts Solved. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 3-7 Marsh 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Ali KodfardThermal Analysis of Operational Events Affecting Electrolysis Cells and their Local Alumina Dissolution Conditions. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 3-7 Marsh 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Rohini Nadan TripathyThermo-electrical Analysis of Lying-bed Patterns During Preheating Phase. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 3-7 Marsh 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Nooshin BaastaniEffect of Mixing and Pressing Parameters on the Properties of Biopitch-based Lab-scale Carbon Anodes for Use in the Hall-Héroult Electrolytic Cell. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 3-7 Marsh 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Financement disponible

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